How to Impact Your Callers with On Hold Messages!

ADTEL On-Hold MessagesTurning Silence Into Sales!

Once clients have taken the time to call your location, it is important to keep them on the line and focused on your business. Professional on-hold messages are a great way to let your callers know about all of your different products and services, relieve customer tensions, and put “on-hold time” to productive use.  Why waste time on a captive audience with “Dead Air” or risk advertising your competitor with the radio when you can use ADTEL’s custom on-hold messages to boost sales and create a lasting, positive impression?

Here are a few guidelines to maximize the impact of your On-Hold Messages:

Cross Promote – Your clients can’t remember everything you do.  Hold time is the perfect time to cross-promote ALL the products and services you have to offer! Promote add-ons, additional services, special features, promotions, new products and specials while Customers wait on-hold.

Build Brand Awareness & Trust – Enhance your company’s image with a professional presentation and a powerful branding tool. Reinforce your brand with custom messages and background music. Relate the level of experience of your staff, reinforcing your company and brand. It’s also a great opportunity to educate your callers about any COVID protocols at your business.

Motivate – Motivate your customers to act! Inquire about a new product, referral programs, ask about bundled discounts, etc. A simple call-to-action can make all the difference in creating a sale.

Increase Caller Retention – One of the top reasons for calling a company is to learn business hours. Eliminate your employee’s time to handle FAQ with On-Hold Messaging

Project Professionalism – Your On-Hold Messaging and Music is the first impression to your callers. Make it memorable and build trust with professionally developed on-hold messages and carefully selected music.

Say Thank You – Thank your callers for holding and assure them that someone will be with them soon, keeping them from hanging up.

On-Hold Trivia – Trivia games have made a big comeback, and their growing popularity is no exception when it comes to on-hold messaging. ADTEL’s TriviaPac is a unique concept designed especially to entertain and enlighten your callers while they wait on hold; featuring amusing anecdotes, fantastic facts, lighthearted horoscopes, sports, entertainment, history and much more.

In fact, the TriviaPac is so entertaining that some callers actually ask to be put back on hold!

Female Voice Talent

Auto-Attendant / ACD / Voicemail Greetings – Elevate your company image and maintain continuity with professionally voiced phrases for your Auto-Attendant, ACD, IVR & Voice Mail platforms. We produce all of our messages with consistently recorded voice and volume levels, guaranteed to give your business a more professional image.

Contact us today to request a FREE consultation & quote!

